Monday, August 2, 2010

Follow up to the Wally World Adventure

With cameras in tote my daughter and I embarked on the school supply mission at the Bonner Springs Walmart.  The first thing we did is do our regular search for the oddball and snap a picture.  If you look to the right of this post you will see an original photo taken last night.  There was a lady in a red formal dress headed to the automotive department but I lost her because of some mother who was trying to make a U-turn in the middle of a one lane aisle who had kids hanging all over her reminiscent of  a bad Angelina Jolie publicity stunt.  My wife was trying to have a serious talk about some purchase that she was holding and I told her to hold her thought while we embraced yet another paparazzi photo op.  

I found the store less attended than I had hoped for,  There were the usual shoppers at the end caps buying  the impulse magic bullets and cheap $2.00 bath towels.  I call them magic towels because you put them in the dryer and 45 minutes later you have washcloths and most of your towel is classified as lint in the lint screen.  I tried to dress the same as my fellow shoppers in an attempt to blend in and look much more fierce than last year.   I even made a "duh" sound as I walked past the greeter who was busy picking a sausage log out of her only two teeth.   

I made my way to the school supplies and thought this was going to be a slam dunk because the aisle was all mine.  No female wrestlers or hillbilly Joeys like last year.  No screaming babies or motorized Hover Rounds.  No combustible body oders wafting thru the aisle as if I was trapped on a Southwest  runway with a clogged toilet.  The selection seemed limited this year.  It was like they wanted to take away the choice part of my shopping experience.  I was not going to be a part of that.  I saw right thru it.  I was price matching from other stores if it took me all night.  I had my ads, I had my pen and I had a mission.  Ready, set and GO.  I was off.  Bam,  I was stuck.  What the hell is a tab divider with pockets.  I have been in office supply stores all my life and never used this item.  I searched and searched.  I put it on the "come back to" list.  Next was the Sharpies.  No problem there.  OK here is my question.  You can pay for Elmers glue at Michael's and pay $1.89-$2.09 and Walmart can give it to you at .50 for Elmers and .25 cents for the Rose Art brand.  Is there really a difference when you are talking grade school?  They both will adhere macaroni to construction paper which will become your new fridge wallpaper.  It will glue google eyes on a rock and if you child is stupid then it will taste the same as well.  

I do not know why a package of 100 3x5 note cards is .44 cents and if I want lines on it then I am paying .84, this is stupid.  Well guess what, discount.   Price match for .25 cents and buy one get one so I paid 12 1/2 cents.    Price matched paper folders for ten cents with no limit beating the .15 cent price with 3 limit and a 25 percent off coupon.  I got $2.50 cent Twilight folders for .50 cents with a coupon from another store advertising all Licensed and fashion folders for 2 bits.   I went with a mission and I accomplished just that.  For $220.13  my wife and I got $340.00 worth of groceries, school supplies and clothing using coupons and price matching from 9 other stores.  Is it confusing? Yes.  Takes time and commitment but it is fun.  I was disappointed about the crowd.  I can only think that some people learned to read and saw my blog and knew that I was coming and stayed home in fear of the  confrontation. 

After the adventure my wife went on home and my daughter and I sat in the car and waited for them to bring this shoplifter out.  As we waited we watched some guy driving a special truck over the trash in the parking lot.  It is suposed to suck up the trash and leave the lot clean.  We watched him drive over a dirty diaper with no success.  He would back up then go forward.  He would drive away and come back to it.  He drove slow, then he would drive fast.  It was annoying him like a piece of popcorn stuck in his two teeth.  He went to the other end of the parking lot and made a run for it.  Again failure.  How wold he explain this to his children?  With my daughter and I laughing our heads off he got out of the truck with a long stick and poked the offending diaper and threw it in the back of the big suck machine.  He turned to us and took a  bow, smiled and laughed then drove off.  We made our trek home to help unload the cars. 

To the woman that checked us out.  You were awesome.  You are what all Walmarts need.  Sorry for the price matching but a deal is a deal.  Thank you Becky for teaching us how to save so much money.

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